Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7th - October 12th: Under a Tuscan Sun sometimes!

One week booked at Cottage Plinio, otherwise titled Poggetto di Montesse  - what would it be like?  Would the photos and expectations be matched in reality?

These views of nearby San Gimignano from the cottage answered our questions with a resounding yes.

This dwelling, adjoining our host's house, would be our base for the next week.

San Gimignano, 2.5 klm from base was frequently visited......

These towers, erected in a centuries old game of one-up-manship lend San Gim its unique appeal

Time to spread our wings - a day trip to Siena and the biggest piazza we had seen - Piazza del Campo

Siena's Duomo - monumental

It's frescoes -luminous

Another treat was Siena cathedral's tiled floor, usually covered for preservation, but revealed in October

The slaughter of the innocents was an extensive study

Finally, looking over Siena from on high ....

Funiculi, Finicula ........a trip to Certaldo's old town required special assistance to overcome the steep climb

The sights at the top were impressive

Next we visited the town of Volterra, which is perched on the cliffs that inspired Dante's cliffs of hell. With alabaster shops lining the streets, it was nice to be in such an ancient little town,that incidentally, has a Medici fortress in the centre that is a maximum security prison for 60 prisoners.

Roman ruins, complete with amphitheatre, were another attraction

And soon, our week in Tuscany was drawing to a close, but not before a farewell dinner ...

And a last look at the fabulous views .....

And hooroo to a new friend!  Time to leave for Umbria, where our base would be Assisi.

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