Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Arrivederci Roma - time to head for home.

Seven weeks ago we landed in Copenhagen.  Shortly afterwards, we set off on our trusty cycles on a 1400 kilometre journey south through Berlin to Prague.  Day one of the ride Michael punctured a tyre; day two, oops, he did it again.  Thereafter we had no mechanical problems until Michael side-swiped a rubbish bin in Berlin and broke a pannier attachment.  Limited cycling in Italy was met with a less providential face - Michael's much vaunted Brook's leather saddle was finally "broken in" only for some prat from Prato to steal it.  Rosemary's pannier clip was rendered useless in the same incident.  There was a message here - time to put the bikes away - few Italian cities seemed bike friendly - although some brave Italian cyclists would disagree.

The respect the drivers of these parked cars have for pedestrian crossings rather makes my point!

As we prepared to conclude our Danish/German/Czech/Italian holiday, we recalled the tremendous support we had received along the way from a variety of concerned citizens of various nationalities - these include tourist information officers who were our first point of call in looking for last minute accommodation; it includes our B & B hosts who went to extra lengths to accommodate us and our bikes; it includes our Airbnb hosts (used four times); we especially remember the efforts of Cameron and Marcie in Berlin, Elizabeth from Travel Tuscany, Rosa and Sandro Carducci (our hosts in Rome) and the incomparable Jack (Giacomo), the Warmshowers host with the most.

Returning home means boxing the bikes.

It was fortunate that Bob the Builder dropped by again.

Just think, we'll be home in about 30 hours!

Toodle loo and away we go, we hope you liked the show.

                                                                THE END


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Rosemary and Michael,
    What a wonderful record of your trip ! For me it was a way of re-visiting many places that I have seen in years gone by. Great photography and commentary.

    Cheers, Bruce
